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We found 1226 courses matching your search criteria.
EPT-124 Emergency Management Services Law & Ethics
This course covers federal and state laws that affect emergency service personnel in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist incident. Topics include initial response and long-term management strategies, with an emphasis on legal and ethical considerations and coordination between local, state, and federal agencies. Upon completion, students should have an understanding of the role of private industry, government agencies, public policies, and federal/state declarations of disasters in emergency situations.
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EPT-130 Mitigation & Preparedness
This course introduces the mitigation and preparation techniques and methods necessary to minimize the impact of natural, technological, and man-made disasters. Topics include hazard identification and mapping, design and construction applications, financial incentives, insurance, structural controls, preparation, planning, assessment, implementation, and exercises. Upon completion students should be able to develop a mitigation and preparedness plan.
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EPT-140 Emergency Management
This course covers the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Topics include organizing for emergency management, coordinating for community resources, public sector liability, and the roles of government agencies at all levels. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of comprehensive emergency management and the integrated emergency management system.
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EPT-150 Incident Management
This course introduces the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Topics include integrating command and control systems, maintaining communication within command and control systems, and using NIMS procedures. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of key concepts necessary for operating within the National Incident Management System.
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EPT-210 Response & Recovery
This course introduces the basic concepts, operational procedures, and authorities involved in response and recovery efforts to major disasters. Topics include federal, state, and local roles and responsibilities in major disaster, response, and recovery work, with an emphasis on governmental coordination. Upon completion, students should be able to implement a disaster response plan and assess the needs of those involved in a major disaster.
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EPT-220 Terrorism and Emergency Management
This course covers preparing for, responding to, and safely mitigating terrorism incidents. Topics include the history of terrorism, scene hazards, evidence preservation, risk assessment, roles and responsibilities, explosive recognition, and terrorism planning. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize the threat of terrorism and operate within the emergency management framework at a terrorism incident.
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EPT-225 Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment
This course covers the probability and frequency of hazards, level of hazard exposure, and the effect or cost, both direct and indirect, of this exposure. Topics include identifying and characterizing hazards, evaluating hazard severity and frequency, estimating risks, and determining potential societal and economic effects. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the potential hazards and risks within a community.
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EPT-230 Emergency Planning
This course covers the rationale for and methods related to a comprehensive approach to emergency planning. Topics include the emergency planning process, command arrangement, coordination, budgetary issues, environmental contamination issues, and public policy concerns. Upon completion, students should be able to develop an emergency plan for a community.
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EPT-260 Business Continuity
This course covers emergency preparedness techniques necessary to maintain business continuity. Topics include critical processes, planning, risk assessment, impact analysis, mitigation strategies, response, recovery and resumption activities. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the partnership between business and emergency response.
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EPT-275 Emergency Operations Center Management
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and operate an emergency operations center (EOC) during crisis situations.Topics include properly locating and designing an EOC, staffing, training and briefing EOC personnel, and how to operate an EOC. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate how to set up and operate an effective emergency operations center.
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EPT-280 Building Resilient Communities
This course covers concepts needed to design and implement strategies in protecting communities from disasters, including decreasing community vulnerability and increasing community resiliency. Topics include disclosure of hazards, lifeline systems, evacuation planning, infrastructure location, analysis of building codes, public policy, natural environmental proactive systems, and educational programs. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a basic disaster-resilient community plan.
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EPT-3701A FAA Remote Pilot Prep
Students that have completed the FAA Remote Pilot Prep Course will be permitted to attend this two day practical exercise course in remote pilot flight training. Students attending this course will experience real life scenarios outside utilizing remote flight equipment that may be used in a professional setting.
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EPT-3701B FAA Remote Pilot Flight Trng.
Students that have completed the FAA Remote Pilot Prep Course will be permitted to attend this two day practical exercise course in remote pilot flight training. Students attending this course will experience real life scenarios outside utilizing remote flight equipment that may be used in a professional setting.
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EPT-4300A Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
This course provides greater description and details of the Incident Command System (ICS) organization and operations, including application of essential principles and description of air operations. There are five modules: Organizations and Staffing, Organizing for Incidents and Events, Resources Management, Air Operations and Incident and Event Planning. This course includes a final exam. Prerequisites: ICS-100, ICS-200, and ICS-700.
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EPT-4400A Advanced ICS Command & General Staff-Complex Incidents
This course emphasizes large-scale organization development, roles and relationships of the primary staff, the planning, operational, logistical and fiscal consideration related to a large and complex, incident and event management. It describes the application of Area Command and the importance of interagency coordination during complex incidents and events. This course includes a final exam. Prerequisites: ICS-100, ICS-200, and ICS-300.
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EPT-5700A Homeland Security Exercise/Eval Program
The course designed to enhance the participant146s ability to manage exercise programs and administer emergency management exercises. Upon completions, participants will have the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, conduct, evaluate, and follow-up basic activities and exercises, including exercise orientations, drills, and tabletop exercises.
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ESL-ADV Advanced
A course for advanced English language learners. Level is determined by placement testing or by successful completion of Level 4.
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ESL-ADVCONV Advanced Conversation
An Advanced Conversation course for English language learners designed to help students speak with better fluency and accuracy. Course is open to students enrolled in ESL Advanced.
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ESL-ADVWR Advanced Writing
An Advanced Writing course for English language learners designed to improve students' skills in writing. Course is open to students enrolled in ESL Advanced.
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A course for beginner and intermediate English language learners. Level is determined by placement testing.
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A course about Community, History, and Transitions, with content appropriate for Advanced English language learners.
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ESL-INT Basic Skills Programs
A course for intermediate-level language learners. Level is determined by placement testing or by successful completion of Level 2.
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ESL-INTCONV Intermediate Conversation
An Intermediate Conversation course for English language learners designed to help students speak with better fluency and accuracy. Course is open to students enrolled in Level 3 or 4.
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ESL-INTRWR Int Read/Writing
An Intermediate Reading and Writing course for English language learners designed to improve students' skills in reading and writing. Course is open to students enrolled in Level 3 or 4.
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ESL-LEVEL1A Beginning 1A
A course for English language learners at the beginning literacy level (as determined by placement testing). Students develop literacy skills while practicing listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
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A course for beginning-level English language learners (as determined by placement testing or by completion of Level 1A). Students enter with very limited skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and develop these skills throughout the course.
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ESL-LEVEL2 Level 2
A course for high-beginning English language learners. Level is determined by placement testing or by successful completion of a beginning-level course.
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ESL-LEVEL3 Level 3
A course for low-intermediate English language learners. Level is determined by placement testing or by successful completion of Level 2.
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ESL-LEVEL4 Level 4
A course for high-intermediate English language learners. Level is determined by placement testing or by successful completion of Level 3.
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ESL-PRON Pronunciation
A Pronunciation course for English language learners to help students speak more accurately and comprehensibly. Course is open to students in Level 3, 4, and Advanced.