Center for the Global Learner Open House
Start Date
December 16, 2020End Date
December 16, 2020Start Time
12:00 pmEnd Time
2:00 pmLocation
Join the Center for the Global Learner Open House to discover more about the English language programs at Durham Tech and how these courses can help you. Learn what program is right for you, how to register, and when the courses begin.
English programs offered at Durham Tech include basic English classes, workforce and language development programs, continuing education courses, and academic language courses that offer college credit. During the open house, representatives from each program will provide an overview of the courses offered and allow time for questions.
Sign-up in advance and we'll email you the link to the Open House. Otherwise, join us with this link at the time of the open house.
Audio only:
Meeting ID: 981 1919 8538
Passcode: 440480
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,98119198538# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,98119198538# US (New York)
Please email Jess Orio at if you have questions.