Courageous Conversations Part Two

Start Date

October 16, 2020

End Date

October 16, 2020

Start Time

2:00 pm

End Time

3:30 pm



Equity, inclusion, and diversity training for Employees

Facilitated by Gilbert Umberger and Dr. Angela Davis

Courageous conversations was developed by Glenn E. Singleton (M.Ed., Stanford) to support adults in having the conversations necessary to make progress on difficult subjects such as race, privilege, implicit bias, stereotypes, and ethnicity.

This reflective practice session will help participants understand:

  • The difference between diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • The Courageous Conversation Compass “personal navigational tool” as a guide for courageous conversations.
  • The four primary ways that people deal with racial information, events, and issues: emotional, intellectual, moral, and relational, through the eyes of “All in the Family”.
  • How to use the compass to identify our and others’ starting points, with the goal of being able to move to the center of the compass for a more empathetic understanding of each other.

Participants will also participate in a reflective exercise necessary for a meaningful conversation that promotes positive change.
