TLC: Attendance, Grades, and Withdrawals - What Every Faculty Member Should Know

Start Date

February 21, 2019

Start Time

1:00 pm


Phillips Building, room 125

Presented by Abe Dones, Registrar and Theresa McLaurin, Student Information Specialist

All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend this session on guidelines/best practices for entering attendance and grades. Participants will be guided through steps for reporting attendance and submitting any type of form related to grades for a given term (i.e. withdrawal forms, assigning grades of incomplete, etc.) As an attendance taking institution, attendance tracking should be part of faculty routines throughout the semester; we will share how adhering to these guidelines improves our reporting to the Department of Education. All of these processes have an impact on the end of term workflows. Come learn how your compliance supports the colleges end of term processing and workflows. This session is intended to provide support to faculty and staff, furthering our “Students First” philosophy.