NCCU, Durham Tech partnership for work-based learning honored

The North Carolina Work-Based Learning Association selected N.C. Central University’s web services department as the 2024 N.C. Work-Based Learning Employer of the Year.  

“Superior partnerships, such as the one with NCCU, are priceless,” Lewis Sessoms said. “Students having the opportunity to gain hands-on industry experience provides them with the skills to obtain and maintain high-quality jobs. NCCU continues to demonstrate the lasting impact collaborations with local community colleges have on the workforce.”  

Eight years ago, Damond Nollan, IT director for information technology services at NCCU, contacted Micara Lewis Sessoms, director of work-based education and apprenticeship with Durham Tech’s Center for Workforce Engagement and the 2024 president of the North Carolina Work-Based Learning Association.

Nollan had heard about the collaboration between Durham Tech and NCCU’s Client Services department. At that time, students enrolled in various information technology programs at Durham Tech were conducting their Work-Based Learning work experience under the supervision of Marian White. White, a Durham Tech alumna, knew the value of work-based learning to students and employers. White shared information with Nollan about how her program worked. The relationship that developed with NCCU’s Client Services deepened when Durham Tech students began gaining work-based learning experience with web services.

Since the establishment of the collaboration, NCCU’s information technology services department has provided stellar opportunities for Durham Tech students. Every student who conducts their work-based learning experience with NCCU leaves more knowledgeable than they entered. Students work closely with White, Nollan and their colleagues to develop related measurable learning objectives that bridge classroom theory and practical experience. Supervisors at NCCU coordinate with students to build their technical and soft skills, consistently emphasizing the role competencies such as time management, communication and problem-solving play on their success.

NCCU’s commitment to the collaboration with Durham Tech goes beyond providing work-based learning experience. Members of NCCU’s team serve on Durham Tech’s IT programs advisory board. Sharing their industry knowledge with the College’s faculty and staff is essential to creating student learning outcomes. Additionally, students who have conducted their work experience at NCCU have received employment there, with some earning well-deserved promotions who are now serving as work-based learning supervisors. This provides them an opportunity to “pay it forward" and train the future workforce in IT software and web development.

“This award celebrates our nine-year partnership with Durham Tech Community College, where we have hosted over 50 interns in our internship program,” Nollan said. “Out of those who worked with us, we have hired at least five talented individuals full-time, several of whom have been promoted to management-level positions, which speaks volumes about the quality of candidates exiting this program.”