Don't miss out! Durham Tech will hold an Employee Meeting in the ERC Auditorium at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 12. View the livestream using the link below.
Employee Grant Guidelines
The Durham Technical Community College Foundation invites grant proposals aligned with institutional goals annually from faculty and staff. The Foundation will consider requests according to stated priorities below.
- Expand Student Support and Promote Economic Opportunity
Most students work at least one job while at Durham Tech, and many are caring for families, too. Expanded student support will help keep our future workforce in the classroom and focused on success – creating a better future for themselves, their family, and our community.
Requests may include:
- Initiatives to help keep education affordable.
- Initiatives designed to provide new opportunities or resources for students.
- Initiatives to provide leadership or employability training, or connect students to work-related learning experiences.
- Forge Tomorrow’s Workforce and Enhance Talent Development
Durham Tech students need real-world learning experiences in cutting-edge technical labs and collaborative workspaces. High-quality training and technology that mirror industry environments prepare graduates for success as tomorrow’s workforce.
Requests may include:- Initiatives to provide industry-related training in learning spaces that reflect work environments.
- Initiatives that engage students in projects that significantly enhance the academic experience and provide hands-on learning.
- Initiatives that mobilize students in program-specific projects to serve community partners and provide outreach to the College’s service area.
Proposals will be accepted February 1 for consideration at the March meeting of the Board of Directors. Historically, grant funding has averaged $1,500 per request.
Prior to proposal submission, please submit a brief letter of inquiry to the Durham Technical Community College Foundation. Full proposals must be endorsed by appropriate department and division heads.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Distributions Committee. Grant applicants will be asked to make a short presentation to the Distributions Committee; the Committee then determines what recommendation to bring before the full Foundation Board at its next meeting. Applicants will be notified of the funding decision reached approximately one week after the full Board meeting. All funded proposals will require a Final Report including evaluation process and project outcomes.
Letters of inquiry, grant applications, and grant reports should be submitted to
Downloadable Forms
Please complete electronically, sign, and submit via email or campus mail.