COM-3711CK Reading and Writing for AP C

This ADVANCED level content-based course will focus on developing READING and WRITING English skills necessary to succeed in academic settings. Assignments will emphasize critical thinking and integrative skill development through reading and writing activities using high-interest materials. Students will learn academic reading strategies and will write academic essays in order to develop reading, writing and analytical skills needed for university study. The course utilizes a content-based language teaching approach, which means students will use English to communicate knowledge and ideas about a variety of academic content topics like anthropology, art, biology, business, ecology, economics, history, literature, psychology and sociology. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time. Required Textbook: Pathways 4 Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking by Mari Vargo and Laurie Blass, National Geographic Learning, 2ndEdition, ISBN 978-1-337-40780-9