COM-3711BI TOEFL Reading/writing II

If you need to improve your reading and writing score for the TOEFL iBT exam, this is your chance. This advanced-level course is designed to provide extensive skill building practice in reading and writing for students preparing for the TOEFL iBT test. Besides general test-taking strategies, classes will focus on improving your ability to paraphrase and to skim and scan reading passages and use other reading strategies for comprehension. You will also learn how to organize your ideas and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to become a better writer. 20 hours $75 Students are required to have the textbook on the first day of class. Required Textbook: Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT (Advanced), Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher, Jeff Zeter, Second Edition, Compass Publishing ISBN 9781599665191