The Facility Services Department provides maintenance, housekeeping, landscaping, shipping/receiving, and mail services for the college facilities in both Durham and Orange counties. They also assist with equipment and furniture moves across campus and maintain inventory for paper and lab products.
Shipping Address: 1634 Cooper Street, Bldg. 7, Durham, NC 27703
Contact Information
Building 7
Phone: 919-536-7200, ext. 6213 or ext. 6206
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m – 5 p.m.
Cleaning Supplies
Facility Services will supply cleaning supplies by request. These supplies include a pre-filled bottle of sanitizing solution and paper towels. If your area is in need of these supplies or a refill of supplies previously requested, the current process is to submit a work order through your Building Coordinator. If your Building Coordinator is not available, please email Anne Harris with a request to submit a work order. Due to high demand, processing may take one business day.
View more information about cleaning and disinfecting in the College Operations Transition Plan.