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We found 1171 courses matching your search criteria.
CJC-3952CZ Critical Stress on the Job
The purpose of this lesson is to assist the student in understanding what critical stress on the job is and encourage students to proactively manage the stress they face.
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CJC-3952DA Recognizing Fake ID's
This course prepares officers to identify current fraudulent identification trends and verbally name at least two (2) current security features found on common identification documents. Upon completion officers will be able to choose the appropriate course of action when presented with a fraudulent document and properly identify available resources and applicable statutes.
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CJC-3952DB Enhancing Community Policing
The purpose of this lesson is to review the role that collaborative relationships play in establishing effective and mutually beneficial community/law enforcement partnerships.
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CJC-3952DC Liability-Patrol Vehicle Ops
To provide the student with information necessary to understand the legal liabilities of driving a patrol vehicle.
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CJC-3952DD UOF Report Writing
To provide law enforcement officers with the knowledge and ability to properly document, in writing, the totality of the circumstances leading up to and following their application of force, as well as any actions they took to avoid or lessen the amount of force used.
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CJC-3952DE Ethics on Duty
The purpose of the lesson is to familiarize students with acts that could require review by the Commissions as related to rule violation, to understand the process when there is an alleged rule violation, and to recognize what it means to act appropriately to comply, morally and legally, with the duty to intervene.
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CJC-3952DF HazMat Update
To provide the participant with the skills necessary to identify a hazardous materials incident, implement proper notification, and identify immediate threats to themselves and others through the use of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).
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CJC-3952DG Care Under Gunfire
This course aims to assist the law enforcement officer to recognize a medical emergency while under gunfire and understand the importance of providing immediate medical assistance until emergency medical service (EMS) personnel arrive.
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CJC-3952DH Citizens With Firearms
This course is to provide law enforcement officers with information they can use to engage community members related to the responsible use of firearms.
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CJC-3952DI Active Assailant
This block of instruction will educate officers on the best practices for utilizing the incident command system during an active assailant incident.
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CJC-3952DJ Juvenile Justice
This course helps to meet legislative mandates and to provide law enforcement officers with examples of positive engagement opportunities with juveniles to build relationships and trust.
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CJC-3952DK Domestic Violence Elder Abuse
This course will provide criminal justice professionals with a better understanding of elder abuse and offer ways that they can assist not only in charging those who participate in elder abuse but also to work towards preventing this heinous crime.
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CJC-3952DL Officer Safety
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the knowledge to practice officer safety techniques in their daily job performance effectively.
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CJC-3952DM Legislative Update
This course will help officers to understand recent legal changes through statutory updates.
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CJC-3952DN Law Enforcement Mental Health
The purpose of this lesson plan is to provide criminal justice professionals with a better understanding of how to manage stressors, traumas, and burnout, all the while showcasing strategies for improving morale and increasing resiliency.
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CJC-3952DO Targeting the Elderly
This lesson plan aims to provide criminal justice professionals with a better understanding of how to respond to calls about elder abuse and potential scams targeting the elderly.
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CJC-3952DP Responding to Civil Matters
The purpose of this lesson plan is to increase the student's awareness of civil process matters they may encounter in the course of performing their duties.
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CJC-4040A NCJA SRO Training
To provide the participant with the history, philosophy and basic skills necessary to serve as a School Resource Officer. Participants will receive instruction in school-based law, ways to handle exceptional students, and classroom instruction techniques.
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CJC-4041A FTO Training
This course is designed to provide the trainee with the skills and knowledge to perform in the capacity of Field Training Officer (FTO). The NCJA FTO Training course curriculum must be the one authored by the North Carolina Justice Academy (NCJA), and instructors must meet specific NCJA requirements. For details on current NCJA FTO Training course requirements, contact the NC Justice Academy, NC Department of Justice.
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CJC-4042A NCJA Police Law Institute PLI
The NCJA Police Law Institute (PLI) is designed to provide the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identification, and nontestimonial identification orders. Course requirements, including content and textbooks, are authorized by the North Carolina Justice Academy (NCJA), and instructors must meet specific NCJA requirements. For details, contact the NC Justice Academy, NC Department of Justice.
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CJC-5000A Bicycle Patrol Procedures
This essential training combines Emergency Vehicle Operations for bike officers with patrol procedures, tactics, night operations, scenarios, and basic bike maintenance and on-the-road repairs. Learn to ride like a pro, avoid crashes, and use your bike to foil the bad guys every time. Off-road riding and bike-specific live-fire exercises may be added at the instructor's discretion.
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CJC-5000C Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to traffic enforcement, patrol activities or interdiction activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to equipment operation, DWI enforcement, interdiction techniques, patrol techniques (vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle), vehicle occupant restraint, traffic law enforcement and traffic crash investigations. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5000E Stand Field Sobriety Test/Refresher
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to traffic enforcement, patrol activities or interdiction activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to equipment operation, DWI enforcement, interdiction techniques, patrol techniques (vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle), vehicle occupant restraint, traffic law enforcement and traffic crash investigations. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5000I Remedial Driver Training
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to traffic enforcement, patrol activities, or interdiction activities. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, equipment operation, DWI enforcement, interdiction techniques, patrol techniques (vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle), vehicle occupant restraint, traffic law enforcement and traffic crash investigations.
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CJC-5000J SUV Emergency Driver Training
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to traffic enforcement, patrol activities, or interdiction activities. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, equipment operation, DWI enforcement, interdiction techniques, patrol techniques (vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle), vehicle occupant restraint, traffic law enforcement and traffic crash investigations.
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CJC-5005A Interview & Interrogation
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to criminal investigative activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to basic criminal investigation, arson investigation, crime scene investigation, abuse investigation, drug investigations, evidence and case management, gambling investigations, interview and interrogation, sex crimes investigation, crime analysis, fraud investigation, fingerprinting, covert operations, gang activity investigations, cyber crime investigations, photography techniques and photographic evidence, auto theft investigation, psychological profiling and developing and managing confidential sources. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5005M Community Threat Groups/Gangs
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to criminal investigative activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to basic criminal investigation, arson investigation, crime scene investigation, abuse investigation, drug investigations, evidence and case management, gambling investigations, interview and interrogation, sex crimes investigation, crime analysis, fraud investigation, fingerprinting, covert operations, gang activity investigations, cyber crime investigations, photography techniques and photographic evidence, auto theft investigation, psychological profiling and developing and managing confidential sources. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5005N Criminal Gang Investigations
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to criminal investigation. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, basic criminal investigation, arson investigation, crime scene investigation, abuse investigation, drug investigations, evidence and case management, gambling investigations, interview and interrogation, sex crimes investigation, crime analysis, fraud investigation, fingerprinting, covert operations, gang activity investigations, cyber crime investigations, photography techniques and photographic evidence, auto theft investigation, psychological profiling, and developing and managing confidential sources.
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CJC-5005O Violent Criminal Research & Investigations
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to criminal investigation. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, basic criminal investigation, arson investigation, crime scene investigation, abuse investigation, drug investigations, evidence and case management, gambling investigations, interview and interrogation, sex crimes investigation, crime analysis, fraud investigation, fingerprinting, covert operations, gang activity investigations, cyber crime investigations, photography techniques and photographic evidence, auto theft investigation, psychological profiling, and developing and managing confidential sources.
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CJC-5005P Cellular/Social Media Records Exploitation
To provide law enforcement officers with the methods and techniques used to collect and analyze cellular and social media records.