The OCC Library: New Books and Upcoming Crafternoons!
The first Crafternoons of the fall semester are next week and we've got opportunities to participate both on the Main and Orange County Campus! Join us Tuesday, Aug. 29 from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM in the OCC Lobby or Wednesday, Aug. 30 from 1:00-3:00 PM downstairs in the Main Campus Library and decorate a 12-month agenda or notebook with a design of your choice, including creating your own vision board for the upcoming academic year! Crafternoons are co-sponsored by the Durham Tech Library and a
MAYbe You Should Check Out the New Books at the Orange County Campus Library
New books at OCC just in time for summer session! Our Library summer hours start Monday, May 15 (though Librarian hours start at OCC the week of May 15). The Main Campus Library will be open Monday and Tuesday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. The Orange County Campus Library will be open for general use Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM; the Librarian will be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Library services will be virtual on Fridays-- utilize
New Books at OCC for 2023, Part 2: YA, NF, F
Remember to check out the Read Great Things 2023 Challenge-- there are lots of options below! Fiction, including some literary fiction, mysteries, contemporary romances/"women's fiction" [which your librarian has an issue with the classification even if she does like the genre, since many books that are considered "literary fiction" written by men but dealing the the same issues of family and relationships are lauded], some fantasy, and some books that defy genres [a word that simply means type
New Books at OCC for 2023, Part 1: Pictures, Personal, and Professional
We've got lots of new books at the Orange County Campus Library for the new semester! Remember to check out the Read Great Things 2023 Challenge-- there are lots of options below! Onto the new books! There are ... Some books with pictures, including graphic novels, a graphic memoir, a graphic biography, and some comics-- A few fresh new memoirs Some biographies, individual and group-- A pair of 12 steppers And rounding it out with little professional reading Want to check out one or more of
New B.O.O.K.S. at O.C.C.
Just in time for summer session, the Orange County Campus Library has some exciting new fiction and nonfiction in its collection. Looking to come to the OCC to visit? Our library hours have changed for the summer! Librarian services will be available Monday and Tuesday from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Main Campus is open Monday through Thursday for all your in-person Durham Tech Library needs. Virtual services are available Monday through Friday. Keep reading for the new books! We've got some novel
New Year, New Books on the Shelf at OCC
Check out what's new on the shelf at the Orange County Campus Library! We've got history, a little mystery, some memoir, cookbooks, and jellyfish! And more! A little nonfiction for ya'-- A few awesome cookbooks-- And don't forget to check out our new fiction-- Want to check out one or more of these books? Come on over to the Orange County Campus Library during librarian-available hours (see our library homepage for details or reach out to Orange County Campus Librarian Meredith Lewis at lewisma
N.E.W. at O.C.C. for F.A.L.L.
New season, new books for you to check out from the Orange County Campus Library! Fiction Put a hold on a book to pick up at the Main Campus or Northern Durham Center or stop by the Orange County Campus in Hillsborough to pick it up and see what else is on the shelves. (And say, "Hi." It's nice to see folks.) Want to put a hold on a book in the Orange County Campus collection to either pick up at OCC or at the Main Campus Library? If you already have a Durham Tech Library account and would like
On Display: 'If this, then that' at the Orange County Campus Library
Did you know that the Durham Tech Librarians can help you find a read or watch-alike for something you've already enjoyed? The Orange County Campus Library has a read- or watch-alike display up right now. As with all our displays, all items are available for checkout. Remember that all books on display are available for checkout; in fact, we encourage it! You can request a book from any of the Durham Tech Library locations to pick up at your preferred campus. Mostly at Main but have a hankering
New Cool Reads for Hot Weather at the OCC Library
It's time for another showcase of the newest books in the Orange County Campus collection. Click through to see novel nonfiction about birds, life stories, education, fast shipping, and meditations on life and fresh contemporary, historical, political thriller, mystery, and fantasy fiction (including two series). Our new nonfiction-- and our freshest fiction-- Want to put a hold on a book in the Orange County Campus collection to either pick up at OCC or at the Main Campus Library? Click on the
New Books at OCC: Reserve, Request, Read!
It's new book time at the Orange County Campus Library! To borrow one or more of these books, either schedule an appointment for a Monday between 12:30 and 5:00 on the Orange County Campus or put a hold on the book to pick up at the Main Campus either through the library catalog or by contacting the library. Happy reading! Maybe you're looking for some fiction? We've got some variety. Maybe you're interested in some nonfiction? And coming soon! The following are currently being processed and