Information Technologies (IT) Credit by Exam 

Credit by exam for CIS 110, CTI 110, and WEB 110 is offered at the beginning of each semester. If you are interested in taking a credit by exam, you must register for the course, be enrolled in a curriculum program, and not have exceeded the hours allowed for credit by exam.

Credit by exam applications are available from a dropbox outside room 230B in the Tech Center (Building 9). After completing the application, take it to the Student Information and Records Office, Wynn 10-201 (second floor). They will verify your eligibility to take the exam, sign and stamp the bottom left portion of the application, and hand it back to you. Bring the completed, approved application with you to one of the exam times. If the form is not completed, you will not be permitted to take the exam.

Fall 2024 Credit by Exam Dates, Times and Locations

Credit by Exam for CIS 110, CTI 110, and WEB 110 is scheduled for:

  • Thursday, August 15, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., GlaxoSmithKline Tech Center (Building 9), Room 9-235
  • Friday, August 16, noon – 2:00 p.m., GlaxoSmithKline Tech Center (Building 9), Room 9-235

Please be on time for the exam. The exam is not drop-in. If you arrive late for the exam, you will be denied from taking the exam. Once the exams begin, you will not be allowed to take the exam. Credit By Exam can only be taken once for a course. If you wish to take multiple courses’ Credit By Exam, you will be allowed to take one exam per exam time.

You will need a score of 85 to pass a credit by exam. The Credit By Exam requires a pre-test in which a score of 85 makes you eligible to take the actual credit-by-exam (post-test). The pre-test and post-test are administered back-to-back in the same testing session. The exams are computer-based and will be graded automatically upon submission. You will know when you leave the exam session if you passed the Credit By Exam or not.

If you pass the credit by exam, you will receive a grade of "CE" (credit by exam) for the course. If you pass the exam, the instructor for the section you are taking will be notified that you are to receive the grade of “CE”. If you pass the exam, do not drop the course. You need to remain on the roster to receive credit for the course.

You should not attempt the credit by exam if you are a:

  • A student graduating with a CE as part of the 60 University Transfer program hours because it is not covered by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA).
  • Veteran receiving benefits since the VA deducts the hours a student is not attending class, thereby reducing or eliminating benefits.