Spring Library Technology Lending: Tech Tools, Laptops, & Calculators!

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Fall 2024 was rough, y'all. The Library ran out of both loaner laptops and calculators within the first weeks of class and, we were operating on a waitlist for the whole 16 weeks. We hated it as much as you did.

THANKFULLY, we're mostly great now and ready to check out Chromebooks and loaner calculators to those who need them thanks to our NC DIT Digital Champion Grant which will allow us to buy more and refresh our current circulating Chromebooks AND purchase additional TI-84 graphing calculators for our MAT students.

We're still working on processing more PC laptops for those students who need them for IT classes, including our multiple one-term CIS 110 borrowers. Soon! Also soon? Info about our "keeper" Chromebook program for loaner laptop borrowers.

Keep reading for refreshers on borrowing a loaner laptop, calculator, or one of our awesome Tech Tool options.

As a reminder, to borrow equipment from the Durham Tech Library--either Main or Orange County--you'll need a library account and


Welcome to Durham Tech Library's New Blog!

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
Welcome to the Durham Tech Library blog! I have been a librarian at Durham Tech since October 1989. In the past year, we have made significant improvements to the library space. Some of these, such as a library classroom and better soundproofing, have been needed since the library opened in 1987. In addition to new paint and carpet, we created a large group study room (learning commons), doubled the size of the computer lab to create a library instruction classroom/open computer lab, and added