
Steven Wilson
Orange County Campus, room 108D
919-536-7200, ext. 4219

EMS Instructor (Continuing Education)

Short Term

Online and hybrid courses are offered in Emergency Medical Services Instructor Methodology, EMS Education and Administration Course, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructor, NAEMT Instructor (PHTLS, AMLS, EPC), American Heart Association BLS Instructor, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Instructor, and Online Pre-Hospital Preceptor.

View the EMS Student Handbook

Emergency Medical Services Instructor Methodology

Registration is fee exempt for qualified participants (must provide proof of affiliation and be directly related to your job duties)

This course, based on the 2002 National Association of EMS Educators curriculum, trains students who are clinically competent in a specific EMS content area to effectively deliver quality EMS education. This course satisfies the Instructor Methodology course requirement for credentialing as an NCOEMS Level I EMS instructor. 

Required Prerequisites:

Current EMS credential; Possess a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency certificate and proof of 11th grade reading level.

Registration: Please contact for registration assistance.

Other Course Offerings

EMS-4502A EMS Instructor Methodology

This course, based on the 2002 National Association of EMS Educators curriculum, trains students who are clinically competent in a specific EMS content area to effectively deliver quality EMS education, satisfying the Instructor Methodology course requirement for credentialing as an NCOEMS Level I EMS instructor. Required Prerequisites: Current EMS credential; Possess a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency certificate and proof of 11th grade reading level. Registration fee exempt for qualified participants (must provide proof of affiliation).
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.